Friday 30 May 2014

Inspirational Story

A boy was driving with his father to a place .
After a few kilometers , a sudden black cloud coming along strong winds . The sky became dark and started to pull some vehicles .

" What about the father ? We stop ? "Ask the child .

" Keep driving ! " Said the father.

The sky grew dark , the wind was blowing even louder . The rain had come down with a heavy . Several trees uprooted , the atmosphere becomes very scary .

" Dad .. ? " Says child hesitation .

" Keep driving , increase attention and be vigilant ! " The father said as he continued to look forward .

Keep driving with the child struggled . Heavy rains blocking the view . The wind shook the car .

The child began to be afraid . But he still drove slowly on command of his father .

After passing a few kilometers ahead , the rain eased and the wind began to decrease .

After a few miles, they reached a dry place and they see the sun coming out from behind the clouds .

" Please if you want to stop and get out " the father said .

" Why now ? " Ask the child .

" Look to the back so you could see if you had stopped in the middle of the storm . "

The boy stops and get out of the car . Then he looked further back , where the storm is still going on .

The child then imagine if they stopped and stuck . They definitely stuck in a fear of not knowing when the storm will end and what happens next .

So if we face the " storms " of life , then keep walking . Never stop , never despair .

We never walk alone , there HE is always with us and will provide the best solution at the right time .

" I think my servant conjecture "

This means that if we see something incident or accident that befell us , and we always suspect both to GOD , that this was only temporary and will be beautiful in its time .

So rest assured bhw something beautiful will incarnate and manifest in the form that best, according to His good and certainly good also for us all ....